Dear Dad
2014 October 30
Created by Ann West 8 years ago
Not a minute goes by that one of us does not miss you. You made such a profound impact on all of us. Throughout my life you have guided me and helped me navigate my life. You were always my sounding board and it was with your sage advice I quickly rose through the ranks with Navy Intelligence. I have many wonderful childhood memories of bike rides, shooting baskets, roller coaster rides (just one as I hated it), traveling through Europe, climbing the Eiffel tower, visiting the Arctic Circle, enjoying so many sporting events, and sharing a few French fries.
When I married Sean, you and Mom came to visit me in Hawaii four times to support me while Sean was at sea. You often said you saw more of Hawaii with me then you saw in the three years you lived there. You were always up for an adventure and we certainly had them. When Sean left for Iraq you and Mom quickly packed up and moved in with me to help me care for Ann Marie (8), William (6), and Andrew (4). You often said WWII was easier than your support to the Iraq War. No doubt it was a busy house with three small children. You helped me home school them all. You taught them so many classes up until the summer before your death, you always had a history, current events, and knot tying class following lunch.
You were also everyone’s best friend. We all claimed a part of you. Andrew loved talking and sharing sports with you, William shared your passion for books, and Ann Marie simply adored you and loved being your assistant. You encouraged her at four to follow her interest in music. Sean also always valued your easy going manner and zest for life. USNA football games will never be the same without you.
As William said today, we keep looking for you to come back to us, but hopefully we will one day join you. Until then I know, you know how blessed we feel to have had you in our lives. How much you are loved and missed. As far as Dads go I hit the jackpot. I will always treasure our times together. You always made me so proud. Even when you were suffering you maintained a peace that we all admire. Words can never express our love for you. Thank you for everything. As your legacy lives on in us, we hold you dearly in our hearts.